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Innovate or Lag Behind: CMS Trends Defining 2024 and Beyond

In the fast-paced world of content creation, publishers face relentless pressure to produce innovative content while meeting the demands of an ever-evolving digital landscape. The competition is fierce, and users are quick to embrace the latest features, making it imperative for Content Management Systems (CMS) and development teams to keep up with the rapid changes.

As we step into 2024, the dynamic nature of the cms development services company in India race continues to drive innovation. Regardless of who takes the first or next step, every CMS must provide the same capabilities to stay relevant. The trends shaping the future of content management are crucial for staying ahead in this competitive environment.

So, what are the content management trends to watch, and where did it all start?

The CMS market continues to grow:

It’s in no way an overstatement, that we’re dealing with more information than ever before, and the vast majority is in a digital format. As a result, the need for content management tools and software has dramatically risen.

Three key factors driving the content management trends and growth are:

  • An increase in demand for digital marketing solutions

  • A growing digital retail sector

  • Increasing consumer demand for omnichannel experiences.

  • With all three factors converging during the COVID-19 pandemic, the CMS market (and its subsets) has seen staggering growth.

Global Headless CMS software market

According to Research Reports World the global Headless custom CMS software development company in India market size was valued at US $490.0 Million in 2021 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 20.5% during the forecast period, reaching US $1500.0 Million by 2027.

The report lists the key players in the Headless CMS market as:

  • Storyblok

  • Superdesk

  • Ingeniux CMS

  • Kentico

  • DotCMS

  • Contentful

  • Scrivito

  • Contentstack

CMS market share

As of March 2022, tracked there were almost 75 million live websites that use CMSs, but not all of them use the same CMS. 

A comprehensive breakdown of the CMS market is beyond the scope of this article, but cms website development company india have a comprehensive list of market stats and W3Techs historically breaks down both CMS usage statistics and CMS market share as follows:


Market Usage

Market Share






















The 5 CMS trends your CMS needs to keep up with

1. Intelligent content services = automated responses

Companies continue to automate functionalities to help reduce costs and the time associated with certain workflows. The rise of AI has meant that chatbots, voice search, and other forms of artificial intelligence are everyday experiences and as our needs change, their availability and flexibility will likewise alter.

AI and ML are also being used for content marketing tasks such as analysis, optimization and A/B testing. But most companies still can’t keep up so better tools to plan, schedule and execute their content will be needed.

2. Post-pandemic flex work = intuitive interface

Flex or remote based teams won’t necessarily have a breadth or depth of experience with CMSs, and you want them to hit the ground running. Therefore a simple, intuitive interface that makes sense for everyone – not just the digital mavens – is essential.

Editing tools should be easy-to-find or delivered via user-friendly actions like drag-and-drop functionality. While additional CMS features such as spell checking, clean copy-paste and @mentions, all deliver more efficient workflows and increased productivity.

3. Device agnostic = better personalisation

Ideally, your team shouldn’t need in-depth coding experience to use the CMS. Instead, it should have a simple WYSIWYG rich text editor (what-you-see-is-what-you-get), so they can preview content before publishing.

If you plan to personalize your content, look for a CMS that allows your team to preview how it will appear to different audiences, on their favoured platforms and individual devices. An added bonus is the ability to export the content – for internal sharing, approval and review – prior to publishing.

4. Knowledge management = accurate standardization

Once upon a time, the trend was to decentralize a company’s archives – different departments used different systems and had different protocols for updates, compliance and communication. Companies are now centralizing their archiving solutions – especially in compliance related work areas – thereby ensuring that important information is standardized and centralized.

That means information silos are now passe and are instead replaced by improved interdepartmental accuracy and faster workflows.

5. Future of documents = accessibility

Some analysts estimate that knowledge workers spend up to 30% of their time searching for information. That’s a lot of lost productivity. Traditionally considered boring, document management is finally getting its moment in the sunshine.

With the explosion of knowledge workers comes increased importance on managing information – so that teams can competitively perform their jobs – and a better understanding of how efficient document management directly impacts profits and performance.

Keeping up with the ever-changing digital universe is hard. It’s constantly evolving.

While there are hundreds of CMS products, what works for one organization may not deliver the same value for another, especially given the possible differences in culture, growth trajectory and business requirements.

The best advice is to find a CMS that deeply considers your content creation and development teams, by making their jobs easier without unnecessary workarounds or learning new skills.

The right CMS solutions company makes it intuitive for them to succeed.

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