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Choosing the Optimal Cross-Platform Framework: Flutter or React Native?

 With each and every passing day, thousands of apps are added to the mobile application space. Lots and lots of reports from relevant sources how the app downloads increased by 9% in 2018, smartphone users spent USD 100 billion on apps the same year, and many more similar facts.

React Native and Flutter are both mobile app development technologies. They help build interactive applications for Android and iOS. Since they both serve the same purpose, it is crucial to understand the differences between them and choose the right one for you. This article on Flutter vs. React Native will help you with it. Now that you know what’s in store for you, let’s begin. 

How do Cross-Platform Development Frameworks Work?

Cross-platform development frameworks enable developers to build mobile apps that can run on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase. Here's how they work:

Shared Codebase

The core idea behind cross-platform frameworks is to allow developers to write code once and deploy it across different platforms. This is achieved by providing a shared codebase that abstracts away the platform-specific details. Developers write code using the framework's own programming language and APIs, which are then translated or compiled to native code for each target platform.

Platform-Specific Rendering

To ensure a native look and feel, cross-platform frameworks use different approaches for rendering the user interface:

  1. React Native uses native components for each platform, allowing the app to blend in seamlessly with the native environment.

  2. Flutter has its own set of widgets that are compiled directly to native code, providing a consistent experience across platforms.

  3. Xamarin uses native UI controls and APIs, providing a native look and feel while sharing the business logic across platforms.

Platform Abstraction

Cross-platform frameworks provide a layer of abstraction over the underlying platform APIs. This allows developers to access platform-specific features, such as the camera, GPS, or push notifications, using a common API provided by the framework. The framework then handles the translation to the native APIs for each platform.

Debugging and Testing

Cross-platform frameworks often come with their own tooling for debugging and testing the apps. This includes emulators or simulators for each platform, allowing developers to test their apps without the need for physical devices. Some frameworks also provide built-in testing frameworks or integrate with popular testing tools.

Performance Considerations

While cross-platform frameworks aim to provide a native-like experience, there are some performance considerations to keep in mind:

  1. React Native uses a JavaScript bridge to communicate with native components, which can introduce some overhead.

  2. Flutter compiles directly to native code, providing excellent performance, but the framework itself is larger in size compared to the app's code.

  3. Xamarin uses native APIs and provides good performance, but the app size can be larger due to the .NET runtime.

Developers need to carefully evaluate the performance trade-offs and choose the framework that best suits their app's requirements.

Flutter vs. React Native: A Detailed Comparison

Flutter and React Native are two of the most prominent cross-platform mobile development frameworks. Here's a detailed look at how they compare:

Language and Ecosystem


  • Uses the Dart programming language, introduced by Google in 2011.

  • Dart is a relatively new language with a smaller adoption rate compared to JavaScript.

  • Dart offers advantages like faster compilation and better type safety.

React Native:

  • Uses JavaScript, one of the most widely used programming languages.

  • Leverages the existing JavaScript ecosystem and tooling.

  • Familiar to web developers, allowing for a smoother transition.

User Interface and Performance


  • Uses its own proprietary widgets, which are built-in UI components that replace native platform components.

  • Allows for highly customizable and visually appealing user interfaces.

  • Offers efficient rendering and direct compilation into native code, resulting in superior performance.

React Native:

  • Based more on native components for both Android and iOS devices.

  • Provides an extensive collection of external UI kits for creating user interfaces.

  • Relies on a JavaScript bridge to communicate with native components, which can impact performance.

Community Support and Adoption


  • Relatively newer framework, but rapidly gaining popularity.

  • Has a smaller community compared to React Native, with over 89,638 questions on Stack Overflow.

React Native:

  • Larger ecosystem and stronger community support, with over 310,507 tagged questions on Stack Overflow.

  • More widely adopted and used by a larger number of developers and companies.

Development Workflow and Testing


  • Provides integrated testing features for easier testing.

  • Offers a streamlined development workflow with tools like the Flutter SDK and Flutter Inspector.

React Native:

  • Requires third-party testing frameworks like Detox for comprehensive testing.

  • Offers a more extensive set of development tools and libraries, but the workflow may be more complex.

Cost and Time Efficiency


  • Allows for more cost-effective app development by enabling code reuse across multiple platforms.

  • Can lead to faster development times due to its efficient rendering and compilation.

React Native:

  • Potentially lower development costs due to a larger pool of developers.

  • Can still offer significant cost and time savings compared to building separate native apps.

Pros and Cons of Flutter and React Native Apps

Flutter Pros and Cons


  • Native Performance: Flutter apps are compiled directly to native code, providing excellent performance comparable to native apps.

  • Consistent UI: Flutter's own widgets and rendering engine allow for a consistent, native-looking UI across platforms.

  • Fast Development: Flutter's "hot reload" feature enables quick iterations and faster development cycles.

  • Open Source and Growing Ecosystem: Flutter is open-source with an active community and expanding ecosystem of libraries and tools.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Flutter allows building apps for Android, iOS, web, and desktop from a single codebase.


  • Larger App Size: Flutter apps tend to have larger file sizes compared to native apps due to the framework's size.

  • Dart Language: Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which has a smaller developer community compared to JavaScript.

  • iOS Challenges: Some developers report more challenges when targeting iOS compared to Android with Flutter.

  • Maturing Framework: As a relatively new framework, some features and tooling in Flutter are still maturing compared to more established options.

React Native Pros and Cons


  • JavaScript Familiarity: React Native leverages JavaScript, a widely adopted language familiar to many web developers.

  • Extensive Ecosystem: React Native has a large and active community with a wide range of third-party libraries and tools.

  • Native Components: React Native uses native platform components, providing a more native look and feel.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: React Native allows building apps for both Android and iOS from a single codebase.


  • Performance Trade-offs: React Native apps rely on a JavaScript bridge, which can introduce some performance overhead compared to native apps.

  • Debugging and Testing: Debugging and testing React Native apps can be more complex due to the additional layer of abstraction.

  • iOS Challenges: Maintaining feature parity between Android and iOS can be more challenging with React Native compared to Flutter.

  • Steep Learning Curve: Mobile application developers new to React may face a steeper learning curve compared to Flutter's Dart-based approach.

Summary: Which is better, Flutter or React Native?

Flutter and React Native are two of the most popular cross-platform mobile development frameworks, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here's a summary of how they compare:

Language and Ecosystem:

  • Flutter uses Dart, while React Native leverages JavaScript. React Native benefits from a larger ecosystem and more developers familiar with JavaScript.

User Interface and Performance:

  • Flutter offers a highly customizable UI with its own widgets and provides excellent performance through direct native compilation.

  • React Native uses native components and has a performance overhead due to the JavaScript bridge.

Community Support and Adoption:

  • React Native has a larger community and more widespread adoption, while Flutter is rapidly growing in popularity.

Development Workflow and Testing:

  • Flutter provides a streamlined workflow with integrated testing features.

  • React Native requires third-party tools for testing and has a more complex workflow.

Cost and Time Efficiency:

  • Both frameworks offer significant cost and time savings compared to building separate native apps.

  • Flutter enables more code reuse, while React Native benefits from a larger pool of developers.

When choosing between Flutter and React Native, consider factors such as performance requirements, developer familiarity, ecosystem maturity, and the specific needs of your project. Both frameworks provide best cross-platform development solutions, and the choice ultimately depends on your priorities and constraints.

Regardless of the framework you choose, cross-platform development offers numerous advantages, including cost savings, faster time-to-market, and the ability to reach a wider audience. By carefully evaluating your options and making an informed decision, you can set your mobile app up for success.


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